Pay By Credit/Debit Card
Processed through Paypal
You don't need to create a Paypal account.
Click "Buy Now" and select the "pay by credit/debit card" option below the "login" button.
Pay by Paypal/Credit/Debit Card
An existing or new Paypal account is needed to complete the transaction
Debit/credit cards accepted
Click the "subscribe" button
Membership is open to anyone who is committed to AAG's vision and abides by its bylaws; including paying a registration fee of $100 and a monthly due of $25. Submit the form below and use one of the payments to pay your fee/dues. Once both your payment and registration form is received, the Finance committee will send you an email to acknowledge receipt.
Pay by Bank Deposit/Cash App
Wells Fargo Business account:
Name: Anglophone Action Group, Inc​
Acct #:8143366253
Routing #:064003768
Note: Once you make a deposit, take a picture of the receipt and send to
Cash App: Anglophone Action Group
Cashtag: $AAG2017​